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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Mujhe meri girlfriend se bachao!!

Barely a month and a half after we all bowed down, or were made to, before the ‘fairer sex’ (totally meaningless term, by the way) in the name of International Women’s Day, I dedicate this week’s column to the hapless guys all over the world. Hapless — and I could’ve said helpless too — because of the emotional torture they sometimes suffer at the hands of the girls in their lives.

The trigger is this mail I got from Krishabh from Indore, the excerpts of which I’d like to share here. ‘My girlfriend gets upset at least 5 times a day. That’s the minimum. I love her and all that, but I feel all my energy just goes in manaoing her and saying sorry a million times. It’s another thing that mostly, I don’t even know what I’m saying sorry for. She sulks endlessly and doesn’t bother to tell me what has hurt her. She says if I love her, I should know. Please help, and don’t disclose my name.’ Well, Krishabh, I so wanted to respect your wish of staying anonymous, but not being able to ignore your attempts at jamming my inbox by sending this mail nine times in the last one week, I’m only adding another letter to your name. So technically, I’m not disclosing your identity but secretly hope this does its bit in shooting up your girlfriend’s ‘average’.
That said, you have my full sympathies for trying to deal with a sulk. It is never easy to be with partners or spouses — male or female — who decide to use the relationship as a platform to unleash negative behavioural traits, the worst of which is sulking. Also, I wonder why people forget the ‘friend’ part the moment they turn into a ‘girlfriend’ or a ‘boyfriend’ to someone. You wouldn’t treat your friends with a perpetually long face because you know they’d leave you in an instant. Just because a boyfriend won’t, it doesn’t mean you take him for granted. In my opinion, someone who often gets upset without caring to even tell the reason doesn’t really deserve to be cared for too much anyway. But then Krishabh my dear, you clearly are in ‘love and all that’ with the sulking beauty and well, to each his own. Here’s what you could do…
HT City Editor Sonal Kalra
1. Stop apologising: You are not doing yourself a favour if you are saying sorry to your partner all the time, especially when you don’t know what you are apologising for. Because if you don’t know, you’ll keep repeating whatever has hurt her in the first place. Always remember that uttering ‘sorry’ without meaning it, is worse than not apologising at all.
2. Don’t indulge tantrums: Whenever a person sulks too often, they are essentially trying to manipulate the relationship to make you feel responsible for their emotional immaturity. Encourage this behaviour and you’ll be digging your own grave. I know a guy whose girlfriend’s pet phrase in life is ‘I’m not talking to you’. I and his other friends would see her do that to him in public, and the more he responded with ‘Why honey, what have I done?’, the more difficult it was becoming for all of us to look for places to throw up after this excessive display of mollycoddling. Until one day, we sat him down and told him what she was turning him into. He had to realise that him constantly giving into her tantrums was making her feel she was winning at it, and would make her repeat the behaviour far too often. It was not helping either of them, or the relationship in the long run. Next time she said it, he responded with, ‘okay. I’m here whenever you feel like talking.’ It wasn’t negative, and it did the trick. Indulging the excesses of a loved one is a nice gesture at times. But only at times.
3. Understand the gender bender: No matter how much we talk about equality in relationships, it is important for both genders to understand the inherent behavioural differences between males and females. Since this week’s column is primarily addressing the guys, let me tell them how a girl’s psyche works. They want conflicting things, and are often unclear themselves about what exactly they are looking for. They would want attention, but would freak out and call you possessive when you’ll give too much of it. They’d like to be pampered but would behave with defiance when you’ll be at it. In a nutshell, girls are pretty messed up in the head, most of the times… and then there is PMS! But these unpredictable emotional swings may just be the endearing thing about them. Try and understand that, and you’ll sail through. The idea is not to take their mood swings personally and let them know that you are around to care if, when and in the amount that they would desire that care.
4. Talk it out: Oh well, girls love to talk. Didn’t you know that already? Every girl’s favourite and every guy’s most dreaded sentence in a relationship is ‘We need to talk’. So go ahead, do it for once if her behaviour is taking a toll on your mental health. Tell her it’s not pleasant to see a long face several times in a day and remind her that constant fighting leaves little time for expressing love, and she may just enjoy the latter more.

5. Love or leave: I’m not asking you to dump her. Well actually I am, but only if you are sure that it’s not possible for you to go on being with an ill-behaved adult-child. Rather than living with the guilt of ending a relationship, give her the choice of ‘love or leave’. Tell her you would like to give your relationship a genuine try, but not at the cost of their mood being in the driver’s seat all the time. It’s not too much to ask for, is it? And if you explain yourself clearly, and she still doesn’t get it, it’ll be time to ask yourself some serious questions. Remember, once the charm of a new relationship wears off, the negative traits in a person seem all the more starker. It’s important to sometimes step back and foresee that situation.
Shared By- Akshay Bhardwaj
Source- Sonal Kalra (A Calmer You), Hindustan Times   April 19, 2014

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Love aaj kal: five new age relationship rules to follow

We live in a world of constant upgrades, but for some reason, many couples are still following the 1.0 version of love advice. It's time to click refresh, don't you think?

If you want to make it work, these are the five modern love rules you need to follow religiously.

1 Out of sight, out of mind: Have you removed all pre-breakup photos from Facebook, changed your status, re-gifted your teddy bears and torn up your love notes? If not, then don't delay! Despite your efforts to rid of every physical aspect of your ex, relationships leave you with emotional inventory that can't be cleared with a keystroke like the history cache on your computer.
2 He asks, she pays: The one traditional dating 'do' that still stands is the general belief that men are supposed to make the first move and then pay the bill for the evening. Not anymore. Women can ask men out and then treat them to an evening out as well.

3 My way or the highway: This attitude has no place in a relationship. Depending on the attitude of the two people involved together, a relationship can either be an ordeal or an adventure. Each partner is an entire individual, not simply part of a couple. Just as peer pressure can negatively impact a friendship, partners can overpower each other and create instability in a romantic relationship.
4 You can love again, and again: Love is constant? Not anymore. Before you find The One, everyone wants to experiment a bit and meet all kinds of people. However, don't take anyone for a ride. Tell him/her exactly where you stand in a relationship.
5 Honesty is (still) the best policy: Not enjoying your time out with the new person in your life? Tell him/her and in the best possible way. No good will come out of being impolite, and you never know when you'll run into him or her again later in life. Remember, manners matter.

Original source:-  Ankita Ganguli, Hindustan Times